Friday, 28 September 2012

Week 5: What to Expect

Mon. Oct. 1st:
* Corrections Community share
* Literature Circles share and class debate
* Week 3 Vocab checked
*Begin studying your literary terms for quiz on Thursday

Tues. Oct. 2nd:
* Understanding Irony
* "Harrison Bergeron" read and enjoy. This gem will stay with you! See the great link Harrison Bergeron enotes

Here's a glimpse into the mind of our enigmatic author:

Wed. Oct. 3rd: 
* Class watch and contrast 2081, a film adaptation of Kurt Vonnegut's infamous "Harrison Bergeron"

*Don't forget your literary terms quiz is tomorrow

Thurs. Oct. 4th:
* Literary Terms Quiz
* Practice Compare/Contrast Response and class share in preparation for tomorrow's in-class response

Fri. Oct. 5th:
* In-Class Open Book Short Story Read/Write Test
* Week 3 & 4 vocab quiz will be on Tuesday.
* Have a spectacular long weekend!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Tell-Tale Heart Video

Gurajit was absolutely right. Now that we've read through Edgar Allan Poe's "Tell-Tale Heart" you can see "the beating of the terrible heart" yourself. This is an interesting animation adaptation. What do you think?

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Corrections Community

This came across my path and reminded me of you all on the hunt. Seek. Find. Fix.:

Week 4: What to Expect

Mon. Sept. 24th: Professional Development Day. School is not in session.

Tues. Sept. 25th:
* Point of View Quiz. 4 questions. Just like the practice. Walk in prepared.
* Story in film analysis: Almost Famous.
* Check out the trailer below

Wed. Sept. 26th:
* Complete Almost Famous film analysis. This includes plot diagram, character analysis, theme exploration and opinion response. Hand in at conclusion of class

Thurs. Sept. 27th:
* Words of the Week
* 1st Corrections Community share: Lead the class. Show us what you found and we'll fix the errors together.
* Literature Circles introduced: various story options, various role options (such as illustrator and investigator).
* Select your lit circle story and begin reading.

Fri. Sept. 28th:
* Read your chosen lit circle story closely
* Discuss understanding of story events and issues as a group
* Complete chosen Lit Circles Role Sheet. Lit Circles and class debates monday.
* Week 3 vocab checked

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Week 3: What to Expect

Mon. Sept. 17th:
* Words of the Week
* Literary Terms Quiz: What do you know? Where are the gaps?
* "The Witch" Class Read. It's a creepy creepy story. We're going to enjoy the ride!
* P.E.E. statement Ticket Out the Door

Tues. Sept. 18th:
* Skill Builder: Types of Character
* "Never" class read
* Complete "Never" analysis. Hand In.

Wed. Sept. 19th:
* "Community Corrections." What mistakes do your idols make? How about you? How about your friends? Check your Twitter. Check your Facebook. Hunt them out. You're teaching/sharing with us on Thursday. Take a look at the funny examples below. What you say, and HOW you say it matter.

*Independent Story Read and Response Outline

Thurs. Sept. 20th: 
* Class modeled/ co-created literary response. Thirty heads are better than one :)

Friday. Sept. 21st:
* Week 1 & 2 Vocabulary Quiz
* Skill Builder: Point of View practice. Quiz Tuesday.
* Class read "The Tell-Tale Heart." A story you won't soon forget, by the infamously disturbing Edgar Allen Poe. The following link includes the entire text, images, autobiography and commentary on the infamous tale:
Tell-Tale Heart

Friday, 7 September 2012

Week 2: What to Expect

Mon, Sept. 10th:
* P.E.E. Formula
* Song analysis and group P.E.E challenge

Tues, Sept. 11th:
* Skill builder
* Technology and Us exploration
* Post response to class blog

Wed. Sept. 12th:
* Skill builder: Your 2nd taste of your provincial
* Portfolio completion: Due tomorrow

Thursday, Sept. 13th:
* Week 1 vocabulary completion
* Finish Portfolio

Friday, Sept. 14th:
* Short Story Foundations
* Create quiz for peers
* Submit Week 1 vocabulary

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Week 1: What to Expect

I'm thoroughly excited to start our journey together. This is what you can expect this week:

Wed. Sept. 5th: 
* What do you love/hate about English? Paper ball toss
* Class created constitution
* Begin gathering portfolio images, lettering

Homework: Get your posterboard. Bring your images, quotes for tomorrow. Explore class website and helpful links

Thurs. Sept. 6th:
* First taste of your provincial exam. You know, just for fun :)
* Portfolio Creation

Friday. Sept. 7th:
* Skill Builder: Vocabulary introduced. Time for Week 1 concepts
* Portfolio creation

Have a great weekend! Keep adding to your spectacular portfolios.